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Melanie Daetwyler

BSc in Physiotherapy,

Masters MEBMT Manual Therapy

"Movement is life & Life is movement"

  • Musculoskeletal injuries

  • Fracture rehabilitation

  • Arthritis & joint pains

  • Nerve impingements (e.g. Sciatica)

  • Sports related injuries

  • Muscular & ligamentous instabilities/tears

  • Whiplash

  • Headaches & jaw dysfunction

  • Neurological problems

  • Strokes & head injuries

  • Posture & ergonomic problems, work set-up & ergonomic advice

  • Improvement of technique & range of motion as well as advice on prevention of injuries in sports

  • Lymphatic swelling

What do I treat?


Since 2014

Founder of Mel the Physio 
Physiotherapy Clinic in Sri Lanka

I am a Dutch/Swiss qualified Manual Therapist. I completed my Bachelor & Master degrees at the University College Thim van der Laan in Switzerland (GR).

I am a registered Physiotherapist in the Netherlands (NL), Switzerland (Swiss– Red Cross), & in Sri Lanka

(Sri Lankan Medical Council No.C0543).


© 2023 by Mel the Physio

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